Friday, December 5, 2008

West River Parkway Trail Improvements Open House

Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board is planning to reconstruct three miles of bicyle and pedestrian trails along West River Parkway from Franklin Avenue south to Godfrey Parkway. The trail will connect to the recently reconstructed section of trail at Godfrey Parkway along the side of Minnehaha Park.

Reconstruction will provide improved trail safety and durability, separated bike and pedestrian trails where possible, and river bluff protection and enhancement. The project may include other elements, such as signage, site furnishings, drinking water fountains and landscaping, depending on available funding.
Planning and design efforts are expected to occur this fall and winter. Trail construction is anticipated to begin in the summer of 2009.

The public is invited to comment on plans at an open house to be held at Brackett Park on Wednesday, Dec. 10, at 6:30 p.m. Brackett Park is located at 2728 39th Ave. S.

For more information contact Nick Eoloff, project manager at 612-230-6465 or e-mail

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